Fuel bill is one of the Biggest holes in the pocket of an individual vehicle user and the nation at large. Fuel bill is also the biggest import bill of the nation. However, we can reduce this bill by utilizing our fuel smartly.
1 % fuel saving will save ₹ 5000 crore of our nation.
What is KMPL GURU ?
Kmpl GURU is a device which indicates mileage and right gear at given speed. This information leads to full awareness to user and ultimately user monitors his speed to control fuel consumption of his vehicle.
Users of kmpl GURU have observed upto 30 % fuel saving. Kmpl GURU fitment is as simple as pasting a tattoo on speedometer and no wire/pipe cutting is involved.
Kmpl GURU is innovative device for which design has been registered and design certificate issued by Patent Office GOI. Patent for the device has been published.
Kmpl GURU is a device to reduce upto 30 % of fuel usage at cost of ₹ 250-500 per vehicle (one time investment).
After pasting KMPL GURU, your Speedometer becomes smart speedometer and it indicates 3 parameters
How it works ?
KMPL GURU helps user to understand fuel efficiency and right gear at particular speed of his car in an innovative way.
After understanding fuel efficiency and right gear with the help of KMPL GURU, user himself can control his vehicle’s fuel consumption by monitoring his speed and gear.
How to read Fuel Efficiency Scale Readings ?
As shown in the figure, If speedometer needle points at a speed 50 km/h. At this speed vehicle gives mileage of 30 kmpl as per efficiency (kmpl) scale. Similarly, If speedometer needle points at a speed 80 km/h. At this speed vehicle gives mileage of 22 kmpl as per efficiency (kmpl) scale.
How to read Gear Scale Readings ?
As shown in the figure, If speedometer needle points at a speed 50 km/h. At this speed it suggests user to drive in 4th gear to get maximum fuel efficiency. Similarly, If speedometer needle points at a speed 80 km/h. At this speed it suggests user to drive in 5th gear to get maximum fuel efficiency.
Example 1.
If you are driving your car at a speed of 100 km/h and getting mileage of 16 kmpl. By using kmpl GURU you can see that if you reduce your speed to 80 km/h, you can get mileage of 22 kmpl.
Example 2.
If you are driving a car at a speed of 40 km/h and getting mileage of 28 kmpl. By using kmpl GURU you can see that if you will increase your speed (If traffic condition or rules allow), you can get mileage of 30 kmpl.
Gives Instant feedback
Provides instant feedback of Fuel Efficiency and Suggests right Gear simultaneously to the driver to gain high fuel efficiency.
Unmatched Fuel saving
KMPL GURU is tested and saves upto 30% fuel of the vehicle.
Reduces Maintenance for vehicle
Drive your vehicle as per KMPL GURU and get higher fuel efficiency and lower maintenance cycle.
Undoubtedly Efficient
KMPL GURU is made after rigorous testing so it is efficient and serve its purpose.
Well by looking at the number of benefits one will think that the price of KMPL GURU will be very high, but you will get KMPL GURU for your vehicle in just ₹ 250 (Offer price ₹ 150/-, 40% discount) for 2 wheelers and ₹ 500/- (Offer price ₹ 250/-, 50% discount) for 4 wheelers).
Money saved is money earned.